How to Prepare for a Boudoir Session
Everything you need to know to prepare!
You will need to supply your own outfits. Comfort is key, and don't worry about how your tummy looks, I pose to flatter that area because EVERYONE is self conscious about that! (Check out my Facebook Live video at the bottom of this page)
Sometimes the sexiest thing you can wear is a simple bra and panties
If you bring a robe/partners shirt I don't consider that a change, they're props
Don't feel that you need to have expensive lingerie to look good
If you bring any outfits that are difficult to put on/take off, know that that change time will come out of your session time
You get two outfits during a 30 minute session and 3 outfits during a one hour session
Having your hair down allows us to play with it
You can bring footwear but it is unnecessary, we're indoors and barefoot looks more natural
Don't fret about blemishes, they'll be removed in post work
Please let me know in advance if you have any visible scars that you'd like removed, otherwise I will not alter any permanent feature
Eat before the shoot, modeling is hard work!
I usually have music playing to keep the atmosphere comfortable
I will have all the props that I need but if there are any specific ones you'd like to use, please feel free to bring them!
If the session is at my house, the address is 5712 Heritage Drive, Vernon
I have a dog so please beware if you have allergies!
Trust me that I'll make you look your best!!
Please remember to have clean feet, shave your armpits/legs, those are things I can't edit out
You can not bring anyone to watch your session/kids to wait during your session
If it's possible, don't wear socks, a tight bra, or leggings to the session, the seams leave marks on your skin
Between working in healthcare for 5 years and doing over 1000 of these boudoir sessions, I am professional and comfortable
I will not do sexually suggestive photos (sexual acts), my boudoir sessions are sensual not sexual
Please pay the remaining balance at least 48 hours before your session
You can do so by clicking "View Appointment Details" at the bottom of your booking confirmation and then "Pay $ CADX.XX" button on the page that opens
Please contact me through my facebook page or by email to to arrange your booking!