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How to Prepare for a Family Session

Everything you need to know to prepare!

  • You will need to supply your own outfits. Comfort is key, and don't worry about how your tummy looks, I pose to flatter that area because EVERYONE is self conscious about that!

  • The locations I choose are dynamic so we'll be continuously moving throughout the session

  • This helps keep interest for the little's that are in the session

  • Wear good footwear because we will often go off the path, or down/up hills

  • Dress for the weather. This is the most important thing. It is VERY VERY difficult to take photos of uncomfortable people and it is even harder to get cold/uncomfortable children to cooperate

  • Bring more layers than necessary and if you want to during the session, you can take them off

  • Please see my page on what to wear

  • Any little's will feed off your energy, so the moments before the shoot (in the car on the way, getting ready) will effect their cooperation during the session

  • More often than not, the grumpy face of the misbehaved children negatively affects the outcome of the photos more than the child's poor behavior. For the time that we're together, just let them be kids. What you think is misbehaving actually turns out the most genuine photos

  • Only use positive, affirming vocabulary during the session. Instead of telling your child, "don't do that!" change it to "lets do this!" Bringing attention to what they shouldn't be doing, "don't stick your tongue out!" Makes them do it even more. I have my ways of getting children to do what I need for the photo but your comments could be counter productive to what I am trying to accomplish

  • Because we keep moving during the session please don't bring anything you need to carry. 99% of my sessions that bring something, do not actually need it and it just hinders the genuine interaction photos we could be getting while we are moving. If you NEED to have something, it should be able to fit in my camera bag (you do NOT need a diaper bag, a change of clothes, etc.)

  • We will start out the session with all of the possible combinations of portraits (full family, mom with kid 1, mom with kid 2, mom with both kids, etc.) and then we'll go on to interactive photos from there

  • Little's have the best chance of standing still at the beginning because they're looking for the comfort from their parents as they get used to the photographer

  • If your child has a learning disability or behavioral problems please let me know in advance so that I can approach them accordingly

  • You don't need to be looking at the camera unless I tell you to. The best photos are normally the candid ones, so don't feel the need to tell your little to look at me if I haven't specifically asked them to

  • I am VERY specific in my posing so rest assured you don't have to try and figure anything out yourself, I will make you look your best!

  • Please pay the remaining balance at least 48 hours before your session

  • You can do so by clicking "View Appointment Details" at the bottom of your booking confirmation and then "Pay $ CADX.XX" button on the page that opens.

Please contact my through my facebook page, or by email at to go over the details of your booking!



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